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Selecting a Solar Installer

Choosing the right solar professional is a crucial step in your journey toward clean, renewable energy for your home or business. FlaSEIA is dedicated to empowering you with the knowledge and resources needed to make confident choices about your solar journey. The FlaSEIA Consumer Protection Directory lists individuals who have successfully completed the Florida Solar Contracting and Consumer Protections course. This directory helps homeowners verify that their sales consultant understands Florida’s licensing and contract disclosure requirements. View the directory here.

Questions to Ask your Florida Solar Installer

Making informed decisions is key when adding solar to your home. We have compiled a comprehensive list of questions to ask your Florida solar installer. Start with these six questions, then use the additional tips to gain more valuable insights and ensure you choose the right installer for your project.

1 – What is your Florida contractor license number?  State law requires a Florida contractor license to contract with a homeowner.  For solar they should have a license which begins with the letters CVC or EC. (then confirm this by visiting  If the company name on the sales person’s business card or brochure does not match the company name on the contract that is a red flag.

2 - How long have you been installing solar systems in Florida?  What is your Florida office address?

3 - How many solar installations do you have?

4 - Do you service and support the equipment you install?

5 – Who will be installing my solar panels?  Are they employees or a subcontractor?  Request proof of general liability and workers compensation insurance for both the contractor and the company who will be installing the panels.

6 -  Ask for references for homeowners near where you live.

Additional Tips Before Signing a Contract

  • Solar is not free. An honest company will be upfront about the costs you will pay over time.
  • Speak with more than one company when considering solar for your home. Having information from two or more companies provides you an opportunity to compare features and pricing. Don’t feel pressure to sign a contract the same day they present the proposal. As with any large purchase, read the contract and understand the terms.
  • Ask your neighbors with solar if they’d recommend their solar contractor.
  • To sign a contract with a homeowner for solar, they must have a Florida contractors license and it must be on the contract. If a company is at your home selling solar ask for their state license number.  Verify the information they provide by visiting
  • Read the entire contract presented by the contractor, including fine print and addendums. Florida law requires a contractor to apply for a permit within 30 days and start work within 90 days if he collects more than 10 percent of the contract up front. Understand the terms for cancelation, payment schedule, how long the work is expected to take and what will happen should the costs or times exceed the estimates.  Note: If you purchase goods or services during the course of a "home solicitation sale," you maintain a three-day right to cancel. A sale is considered a “home solicitation sale” if it takes place in your home, or at a location which is not the main or permanent place of business for the seller, so long as the purchase price is more than $25.
  • Chapter 520 Part II Florida Statutes covers consumer protections for DISTRIBUTED ENERGY GENERATION SYSTEM SALES. You can review the disclosure requirements listed in the Statute by clicking here.
  • Click here for a PDF sample of the disclosure forms.

FlaSEIA Member Directory

Explore our list of FlaSEIA member companies. These professional, qualified solar installers serve Florida and the surrounding areas and have agreed to the FlaSEIA Code of Ethics

Locate FlaSEIA Members for Your Existing Solar System

Homeowners seeking assistance with solar systems installed by other contractors can easily find qualified support through our directory of FlaSEIA member companies available for service. This feature shows FlaSEIA members in your area able to take over the management, maintenance, or repair of your existing solar installation, ensuring continued performance and peace of mind.

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