January 2025 Update
PeakSHIFT Questions, Answered by Orlando Utility Commission (OUC)
Grandfather exisiting rooftop solar customers for 20 years at the full retail energy rate for exported energy if their Interconnection Application is submitted by June 30, 2025.
Current rooftop solar customers will be grandfathered for 20-year period • Interconnection agreements received by June 30, 2025.
"Solar interconnects July 1 and after." This statement seems to contradict the application/agreement requirement, as an application or agreement may be submitted by June 30, but the interconnection itself might not occur until after this date.
In one presentation, it was stated that taking the battery incentive would mean a homeowner opts out of net metering. However, this was not mentioned again in the December presentation, which only referenced an increase in program funding.
December 2024 Update
Here's What We Do Know
OUC is expected to file documents with the Florida Public Service Commission (PSC) with specific details of the proposed plan. As of now, limited information has been provided by OUC.
We will continue to monitor developments and update this webpage as more details become available. FlaSEIA members will receive a detailed breakdown of the proposal and its implications.
FlaSEIA’s Role in the Fight
Engagement with Decision-Makers
- Persistently requested meetings with OUC and held 4 meetings with OUC Staff & Commissioners to present the industry's concerns and positions.
- Spoke at OUC meetings in July, August, November and December to advocate on behalf of solar consumers and businesses.
- Hosted "Together against PeakShift" event on December 4, 2024
Coalition Engagement
- FlaSEIA engaged in regular coalition calls and meetings to align messaging and concerns.
- Over 50 groups participated in calls and outreach regarding this topic.
Public Outreach and Awareness
- News Media Impact: FlaSEIA was quoted in 11 news articles, reaching thousands of readers and raising awareness of the issue.
- Dedicated Advocacy Website: Created DontDoubleMyElectric.com, a resource to educate the public and mobilize action.
The Fight is Not Over
Protecting rooftop solar in Florida requires ongoing advocacy and resources. FlaSEIA has set a goal to raise $100,000 to ensure our voice is heard and we remain a powerful advocate. Your membership dues play a critical role, but additional support is essential to achieving this goal.
Click or hover over the boxes for explanations on the repercussions to OUC ending net metering.
OUC’s proposal will force Orlando residents to monitor and reduce their own electric consumption constantly, or face higher monthly fixed fees.
Beginning in early 2026, fixed charges of $5, $10 or $15 will be based on monthly peak usage.
Fixed demand charges force Orlando residents to monitor and reduce their own electric consumption constantly, or face higher monthly fixed fees.
Puts solar and savings out of reach for most homeowners, making solar only accessible to the rich.
Homeowners purchasing a system typically finance for 20-30 years. Spreading the cost of the system over time allows them to offset their utility bill with the loan payment when their utility has net metering. Without net metering, investing in solar is not offset by these credits.
Will drive solar companies out and lead to drastic job losses, leaving residents without companies to service their systems.
There are an estimated 3,000 direct jobs and 15,000 indirect jobs in the Greater Orlando area.
Reducing or eliminating net metering in any form would threaten the livelihoods of thousands of individuals employed by solar contractors operating in OUC territory.
In the wake of hurricanes, reduces motivation for homeowners to support community grid resiliency through solar and storage systems.
When coupled with energy storage, solar provides energy security, resiliency and independence during disasters. These homeowners can support their neighbors in the immediate aftermath if the grid is down.
Hurts solar homeowners by making it harder to sell solar homes.
The proposal would only grandfather net metering the current OUC customer, not future owners of a home with solar. Homeowners with solar loans or leases would not be able to transfer the net metering benefits to the next owner, making the solar investment a cost with no offset.
Seals the fate Orlando area residents, making them less energy independent.
OUC is eliminating benefit of net metering for solar installations after July 1, 2025.
Spreading the cost of the system over time allows them to offset their utility bill with the loan payment when their utility has net metering.
Rooftop Solar has helped thousands of low to medium income families save money on their OUC energy bills, and helped OUC offset a rapidly growing demand for electricity in its service territory.
The rooftop solar industry today encompasses 3,000 direct and over 15,000 indirect jobs in the Orlando area, with over $600 million in economic impact to the Orlando area to date.
FlaSEIA Member Statements June 13 & July 9 2024
All of that is in jeopardy under OUC’s PeakShift/TruNet proposal. OUC’s PeakShift/TruNet will lock Orlando residents into a future with fewer energy choices and higher costs.
The proposal was presented during the OUC Board of Commissioners meeting on November 5, 2024, and was voted on during the December 10, 2024, Commission meeting.
OUC Commissioners
Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer
Members of the OUC Commission
Email: Commissioners2@ouc.com